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Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre

Myotherapy & Remedial Massage

Myotherapy & Remedial Massage 150 150 Northside Massage

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre, Aspley

What is a Myotherapist?

Myotherapists and massage therapists holding an Advance Diploma or Degree are qualified to assist people who suffer from chronic pain of musculoskeletal conditions.

Myotherapists who hold an Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy or Bachelor of Myotherapy are trained in using advanced assessment and treatment protocols.

Myotherapy and remedial massage therapists employ a number of treatment modalities for use in pain management for chronic musculoskeletal conditions, postural conditions and sporting and occupational injuries.

In addition to manual manipulation therapy, treatment can include: myofascial dry needling, electrical stimulations (TENS) and corrective exercises.

What is Remedial massage?

Remedial Massage Therapists are trained to assess and treat muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue and treat injuries and soreness.

They employ a variety of treatments for use in pain management of chronic musculoskeletal conditions, postural conditions, sporting and occupational injuries. They should hold at least a Diploma of Remedial Massage.

To determine where to treat patients effectively, remedial therapists must have a working knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology.

A typical remedial massage session must involve a thorough patient consultation and assessment to determine the patient’s health status.

The goal of remedial massage is to help the body return to normal health after injury by reasonably reversing certain physical effects suffered as a result of moderate injury causing structural pain and/or lost mobility or function.

The treatment is designed to remediate the given condition by reducing or eliminating pain and restoring function.

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies in located in Aspley, Northside Brisbane

Georgie Godfrey Nutritionist

Georgie Godfrey Nutritionist 150 150 Northside Massage

Introducing our Nutritionist Georgie

“My name is Georgie and I am a degree qualified Nutritionist with a strong passion for and dedication to helping people achieve their diet-related goals.  I love healthy cooking, experimenting with foods and taking recipes and putting healthy, nutritious twists on them.  With that being said, my philosophy is pretty simple.  Healthy eating and eating for weight loss or any particular diet/health related goal does not have to be boring, costly, bland or unappealing.  It’s as simple as knowing what to eat and how, and you can make something super healthy and nutritious taste delicious.  I channel this philosophy through my practice combined with a sincere value for eating for health, nutrition and balanced living. 
My aim is to promote healthy, realistic and sustainable eating habits amongst my clients that will underpin their long-term health and well-being.  Diet’s simply do not work!  I strongly believe that the steps we take to achieve our diet-related goals must be consistent with the steps we take to maintain them.  It must be a complete lifestyle change through re-programming our mindset and diet-related habits.  I want to help give you the tools, confidence, and ability to do this so that you can achieve your goals, and maintain them!”

Georgie offers a diet and nutrition program tailored to suit her clients’ individual needs, preferences, and goals.  Her program allows her clients’ to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle, eat delicious and nutritious foods, and at the same time achieve their specific diet/health related goals.  She provides them with a personalized, balanced and holistic diet program through utilizing maintainable and sustainable methods.  This involves getting them to select options from the GG Nutrition menu, and then tailoring these recipes to suit their individual needs and goals through a conducive 6-day meal plan.  Her clients’ meal plans are always abundant in variety and nutrient-dense, deliciously simple meals.  This way, they do not feel like they are on a “diet”, but simply eating for good health end enjoying it.  She understands that seeing a Nutritionist may be daunting, so her goal is to provide her clients’ with the necessary tools and encouragement to stay motivated, educated, supported and confident through a simplistic and empathetic approach.

Georgie’s special interests include diet therapy to assist the following:
– Improving health and well being
– Weight loss and weight management
– Diabetes management
– High cholesterol management
– Hypertension management
– Mental illness management
– Fitness and muscle gain

What clients say about Georgie:
“Before I saw Georgie I was always feeling tired, skipping meals and hopeless at meal prepping. Today I feel healthy, energized and more knowledgeable about my own nutrition. My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t enjoy the recipes on offer, but I absolutely loved the fact the recipes were fully personalized to me and what I like – simple and delicious. My personal favorite is the Oat and Berry Smoothie! The service I received was second to none, and I can’t recommend GG Nutrition enough!”
Kelly – Northgate

Private health funds available for various health funds via manual claim
Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre
Aspley, Brisbane
07 3263 5001


Back Pain

Back Pain 1980 1320 Northside Massage

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre, Aspley

Lower back pain is a common condition with it estimated that around 70-90% of Australians will suffer from lower back pain in some form at some point of their life. It can be related to number of conditions or diseases which include posture, work place or sporting injuries, scoliosis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and numerous genetic conditions.

Regular Remedial or Myotherapy treatments can help ease some of the muscular pain by using techniques such as deep and soft tissue massage, trigger point therapy, cupping and dry needling. Releasing the large muscles around the spine, gluts, hip flexors and hamstrings, can help improve muscle tone and release pressure on the nerves around the spine which send the pain signals to the brain. Remedial massage will also help improve posture and flexibility, which in turn can reduce pain in the lower back.

Does remedial massage hurt?
For muscles holding a lot tension, deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy can initially be quite painful. Most people describe the pain being felt as a “good pain”, as it slowly eases off when the muscles relax.
If the body is not used to deep tissue massage, it is expected to feel a bit like you’ve just done a heavy weight session in the muscles worked on, however they should start to feel a lot better within 1 to 2 days.

The key to recovery for any injury is maintenance and keeping up with regular massage will help keep your muscles in check by improving blood supply and tensions within the muscles.

To book an appointment Call 3263 5001 or click on the bookings link on the website.

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies

9/1344 Gympie Road
Aspley, North Brisbane
Remedial Massage


Welcome Jake Griffin – Myotherapist

Welcome Jake Griffin – Myotherapist 150 150 Northside Massage

To book an appointment with Jake call our reception team on 3263 5001 or book online.
Jake’s Qualifications:
Adv. Dip. Myotherapy
Diploma of Remedial Massage
Cert 4 in fitness

I believe each and every person has the ability to make a change for the better simply by taking responsibility of their own body and mindset. As both a remedial and myotherapist it is my job to support my clients through this change with ongoing education, active movement rehabilitation, soft tissue therapy, and motivation. I take a special interest in treating chronic neck and shoulder pain cases and am always looking to develop my skills as a manual therapist to better assist my clients on their journey to better health and function.

Mothers Day

Mothers Day 150 150 Northside Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage 150 150 Northside Massage

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre, Aspley

All of our Remedial Therapists are trained and qualified to perform Pregnancy Massage.
Benefits include:
Massage increases circulation – bringing more oxygen and nutrients to cells, both in the mother and the developing baby. By increasing circulation, blood pressure may also be kept in check.
Massage can assist with stabilising hormone secretions, especially during the 1st trimester.
The normal discomforts of pregnancy such as: backache, headaches, leg cramps, carpal tunnel type symptoms, and swelling of hands and feet can all be addressed by massage.
The lymphatic system is often overloaded during pregnancy. Massage can assist to move the lymph safely through the body.
As the pregnancy develops, it is quite common to feel varying degrees of discomfort. This can be managed by relaxing tight muscles, toning loose muscles and applying other specialised pregnancy massage techniques.

What is Myotherapy?

What is Myotherapy? 150 150 Northside Massage

Myotherapy takes the traditional manual treatment to the next level by using evidence based assessment and treatment tools to determine the cause of your pain or dysfunction. We aim to treat the cause of your pain and or dysfunction which will inturn treat your symptoms.
A Myothearpist can use a range of treatment tools such as trigger point therapy, myofascial dry needling, joint mobilizations, myofascial cupping, TENS machines, postural assessment and correction, corrective exercises (stretch and strength), sports and KT-Taping, pain education and diet and nutritional advice.
Your initial appointment will consist mainly of a comprehensive assessment and a unique plan to help best treat your complaints. This will usually take 5 – 15 minutes at the start of your treatment.
As there will be an assessment and possible exercise therapy it is recommended you wear comfortable non- restrictive clothing to your appointment such as active wear as restrictive clothing could result in false assessment findings hindering treatment results.
A Myotherapist can help to identify the cause of your complaints and treat the cause rather then just treating your symptoms. We have a special interest in chronic conditions, sports related conditions and getting people back to their best, but this doesn’t stop us from seeing an array of people.
We will work with your goals and what you want out of your treatment. If this means you just want a tension release, or some time away just for you, no problem we can help with that. If you want something a little more comprehensive or some more information on why you keep getting the same injuries or the reason behind your lower back pain or headaches that you have had for years, We have the tools to go that next step and help you to find out the real reason behind the issue.

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage 150 150 Northside Massage

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre, Aspley PH:3263 5001
What is Remedial Massage?
Remedial Massage is a treatment for specific injuries or muscular dysfunction. The massage is tailored to address the specific needs of the individual, in order to improve or ultimately resolve the underlying problem.
Remedial Massage may consist of a combination of Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy and stretching techniques, and is great for that nagging pain that just won’t go away.
Skillfully used, Remedial Massage therapy can assist the body in its own healing processes, where disease or injury has occurred in muscles, connective tissues, bones, joints and internal organs. Massage can also assist healing through its effect on the psychological condition of the patient, increasing a sense of confidence, well-being and relaxation. It reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested in a regular program for stress management. It also has specific clinical advantages to assist in medical, rehabilitation therapeutic program.
One of the immediate benefits of Remedial Massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because the massage prompts the release of Endorphins, the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing. Levels of stress hormones – such as Adrenalin, Cortisol and Norepinephrine – are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the immune system.
Remedial Massage is greatly beneficial and can reduce symptoms by relaxing the tension in the muscles, stimulating the flow of blood through the muscles, breaking down and eliminating toxins, enhancing oxygenation of the brain and relaxing the nervous system and mind.
Remedial massage can holistically address the whole body to ease out tension, and repair damage to muscles, joints, tendons and soft tissue.

What is Deep Tissue Massage?
Deep Tissue Massage is a massage technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. For those who like firm pressure it feels good and it is beneficial to your health.
When muscles are stressed, they block oxygen and nutrients, leading to inflammation that builds up toxins in the muscle tissue. The purpose of the massage is to “un-stick” the fibres; it aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep pressure on the contracted areas, either going with or across the fibres of the muscles, tendons and fascia. A Deep Tissue Massage helps loosen muscle tissues, release toxins from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating properly.
Deep Tissue Massage usually focuses on more specific areas and may cause some soreness during or right after the massage. That said, you should feel better than ever within a day or two. It is important to drink plenty of water, do some light exercise or have an Epson salt bath afterwards to help eliminate the toxins from the body.

MLD – Manual Lymphatic Drainage

MLD – Manual Lymphatic Drainage 150 150 Northside Massage

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre, Aspley
How can MLD benefit you?
*Relieves fluid congestion – swollen ankles (including after long haul flights), tired puffy eyes and swollen legs, including during pregnancy
*Can relieve post surgical pain & swelling
*Boosts the immune system so is great for people who suffer regularly from colds, viruses, flu and sinusitis
*Has a positive effect on the skin and can help to improve chronic skin conditions
*Improves energy levels and general feelings of health and wellness if you are feeling run down and low in energy
*Supports natural detox programmes
*Promotes deep relaxation and sleep
*Helps to reduce joint pain and pain from fracture, sprains and rheumatism
When is it not advisable?
Lymphatic drainage is not advised for anyone with acute inflammation, malignant tumours, thrombosis or major heart problems. Because of its effect on the immune system, people with diabetes, thyroid or kidney problems, asthma or epilepsy should seek medical advice before treatment.

Book an appointment online or call 3263 5001
We are located in Aspley on the Northside of Brisbane and have been established since 2011.

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