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Northside Massage

Myotherapist – Remedial Massage Therapy Aspley

Myotherapist – Remedial Massage Therapy Aspley 150 150 Northside Massage

Northside Massage and Natural Therapies Centre is located in the Aspley Fountain Building, Aspley.

If you would like to find out more information about our team of qualified therapists click on the about us tab on our website.

Call 3263 5001 or book online

Massage – Sports, Deep Tissue – HICAPS rebates

Massage – Sports, Deep Tissue – HICAPS rebates 150 150 Northside Massage

Looking for qualified therapists to assess your body and design a treatment plan including exercises and stretches. All of our therapists have a minimum qualification of Diploma Remedial Massage registered provider numbers to enable clients to claim through private health funds.

 Our therapists will listen to your needs and personalise your massage treatment so that you achieve the absolute best results.

We are situated in Aspley, Northside Brisbane in the Aspley Fountain Centre.

Deep Tissue, Sports & Remedial Massage Aspley

Deep Tissue, Sports & Remedial Massage Aspley 150 150 Northside Massage

Northside massage & Natural Therapies Centre, Aspley

Looking to book a massage therapist in Aspley. We are situated on Brisbane Northside, Aspley. Located in the Aspley Fountain Centre.

Our team of qualified therapists can assist you with Sports Massage, Myotherapy, Cupping, Needling, Deep Tissue, Trigger point therapy.

Book online www.northsidemassageandnaturaltherapies.com.au

Remedial Massage Northside, Brisbane

Remedial Massage Northside, Brisbane 150 150 Northside Massage

Northside Massage & Natural Therapy Centre, Aspley

Luke is covered by all health funds for on the spot HICAPS claims.

Here’s a little bit or information about Luke and what you can expect from treatments.


Diploma of Remedial Massage

Diploma of Professional Counselling

Diploma of Medical IntuitionReiki (Masters)

Seichim (Masters)

Certificate IV Massage

Certificate IV FitnessCertificate

Applied Sports Nutrition

I have 18 years of remedial massage experience ranging from children to adults, Australian sport representatives as well as world class athletes.As a client, your treatment will be tailored to suit your individual needs. I use a variety of massage techniques to initiate and restore your body to a healthy state. My approach to your session can be either on the physical level treating your present concern, or a more holistic one that enables you to become more self-aware of your body and take the necessary action in your pursuit for greater health and well-being.I specialise in, all different types of sports injuries as well as lower back pain, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, calf and leg pain, sciatica and runners knee.I look forward to meeting you and bringing about positive change in your life.

Myotherapy Northside Brisbane

Myotherapy Northside Brisbane 800 500 Northside Massage

At Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre our Myotherapists will perform an initial assessment and treatment.


Our Myotherapists will perform an initial assessment on you, to gain a better understanding of your injury/ dysfunction. By using evidence based treatment strategies, we can ensure that all treatments are backed by scientific research ensuring successful reduction in your pain and/or dysfunction. A Myotherapy consultation will typically commence with thorough history taking followed by various muscle, joint and neurological testing. Combined with manual palpation of muscles and joints, aim to identify the cause of one’s pain to ensure quick, effective and long lasting results.

They also employ various soft tissue manipulation techniques, together with other modalities such as: trigger point therapy, dry needling, deep tissue massage, hot and cold therapies, passive/active muscle stretching and corrective or rehabilitative exercises. A Myotherapist aims to identify the cause of one’s pain to ensure quick, effective and long lasting results.

Clients have found myotherapy to be beneficial for treating:

  • Lower back pain
  • Hip and knee pain
  • Upper back
  • Hypermobility
  • Neck and shoulder pain and discomfort
  • Headaches
  • Recovery from training/injury
  • Self-care leading into sporting events
  • Stiff and sore joints

Book an appointment with one of our experienced Myotherapists: Jake, Hannah and Emma.

Situated in Aspley, Northside Brisbane

Remedial Massage, Myotherapy

Remedial Massage, Myotherapy and Acupuncture

Remedial Massage, Myotherapy and Acupuncture 150 150 Northside Massage

Remedial Massage is a treatment for specific injuries or muscular dysfunction. The massage is tailored to address the specific needs of the individual, in order to improve or ultimately resolve the underlying problem.

  • Remedial Massage may consist of a combination of deep tissue, trigger point therapy and stretching techniques, and is great for that nagging pain that just won’t go away.
  • Remedial Massage therapy can assist the body in its own healing processes, where disease or injury has occurred in muscles, connective tissues, bones and joints. Massage can also assist healing through its effect on the psychological condition of the patient, increasing a sense of confidence, well-being and relaxation. It reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested in a regular program for stress management. It also has specific clinical advantages to assist in medical, rehabilitation therapeutic program.One of the immediate benefits of Remedial Massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because the massage prompts the release of Endorphins, the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing. Levels of stress hormones – such as Adrenalin, Cortisol and Norepinephrine – are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the immune system.
  • Remedial Massage is greatly beneficial and can reduce symptoms by relaxing the tension in the muscles, stimulating the flow of blood through the muscles, breaking down and eliminating toxins, enhancing oxygenation of the brain and relaxing the nervous system and mind.Remedial massage can holistically address the whole body to ease out tension, and repair damage to muscles, joints, tendons and soft tissue.

Our Myotherapists will perform an initial assessment on you, to gain a better understanding of your injury/ dysfunction. By using evidence based treatment strategies, we can ensure that all treatments are backed by scientific research ensuring successful reduction in your pain and/or dysfunction. A Myotherapy consultation will typically commence with thorough history taking followed by various muscle, joint and neurological testing. Combined with manual palpation of muscles and joints, aim to identify the cause of one’s pain to ensure quick, effective and long lasting results.

Myotherapy is the assessment, treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions, which may cause muscular dysfunction and the pain thus affecting movement & mobility. Myotherapists utilize a range of treatment techniques to restore and maintain the normal integrity of the soft tissue structures (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia). They also employ various soft tissue manipulation techniques, together with other modalities such as: trigger point therapy, dry needling, deep tissue massage, hot and cold therapies, passive/active muscle stretching and corrective or rehabilitative exercises. A Myotherapist aims to identify the cause of one’s pain to ensure quick, effective and long lasting results.


Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine,acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.

Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. By stimulating the body’s various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain, improve sleep, digestive function, and sense of well-being.


Kim Fenton – Remedial Therapist

Kim Fenton – Remedial Therapist 248 248 Northside Massage


  • Diploma of Remedial Massage 2017
  • Heated & Chilled Stone Massage
  • Affiliated with ANTA, the Australian Natural Therapists Association

Throughout my previous vocation, touch was a very effective tool in helping people both mentally and emotionally. Improvement in their physical well-being soon followed.

Now, as a remedial massage therapist, I am able to assist clients to achieve optimal health and, well-being through the use of massage and remedial techniques structured for the individual goals of each client.

Northside Massage & Natural Therapies


Emma Hughes – Myotherapist

Emma Hughes – Myotherapist 1669 2225 Northside Massage

I am a Myotherapist who uses a holistic approach to understand and treat the cause of your musculoskeletal condition.With today’s lifestyle multiple factors are involved when we consider movement dysfunction and pain. Every individual holds and uses their body differently depending on what they need/want to achieve; whether that be walking or surfing. When the body uses a certain inefficient pattern which has been habituated it can lead to pain.Treatment can target what is causing the pain whilst understanding and education can be used to maintain results from treatment and motivate you towards reduced pain and improved mobility, stability and strength.I have a special interest in treating chronicity and being able to see an individual experiencing walking without pain for the first time in years or such reduced headaches that an individual can do daily tasks again.I also have a background in sports massage in AFL, NRL and futsal and treating for injury prevention and for performance.

Back & Neck Pain

Back & Neck Pain 150 150 Northside Massage

Experiencing Pain?
A painful upper back and neck may be the result of the following:

reptitive heavy lifting
bad posture
acute injury
sprain or strain
pinched nerve
other conditions, such as scoliosis
To book an appointment with one of our therapists call our reception team on 3263 5001 or book online.
Health fund rebates available.

We Welcome Jess Forrest Back To The Clinic

We Welcome Jess Forrest Back To The Clinic 150 150 Northside Massage

We are very excited to have Jess returning to the clinic after spending some time off with her gorgeous family. Little Jane has been keeping her busy and we can confirm she is a cutie, we love her cuddles when she visits the clinic with Mum.

Jess will commence first week of August and will be available Mondays and Saturdays. Bookings are open online or call our reception team on 3263 5001.


Northside Massage & Natural Therapies Centre

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