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What is Myotherapy?

What is Myotherapy?

What is Myotherapy? 150 150 Northside Massage

Myotherapy takes the traditional manual treatment to the next level by using evidence based assessment and treatment tools to determine the cause of your pain or dysfunction. We aim to treat the cause of your pain and or dysfunction which will inturn treat your symptoms.
A Myothearpist can use a range of treatment tools such as trigger point therapy, myofascial dry needling, joint mobilizations, myofascial cupping, TENS machines, postural assessment and correction, corrective exercises (stretch and strength), sports and KT-Taping, pain education and diet and nutritional advice.
Your initial appointment will consist mainly of a comprehensive assessment and a unique plan to help best treat your complaints. This will usually take 5 – 15 minutes at the start of your treatment.
As there will be an assessment and possible exercise therapy it is recommended you wear comfortable non- restrictive clothing to your appointment such as active wear as restrictive clothing could result in false assessment findings hindering treatment results.
A Myotherapist can help to identify the cause of your complaints and treat the cause rather then just treating your symptoms. We have a special interest in chronic conditions, sports related conditions and getting people back to their best, but this doesn’t stop us from seeing an array of people.
We will work with your goals and what you want out of your treatment. If this means you just want a tension release, or some time away just for you, no problem we can help with that. If you want something a little more comprehensive or some more information on why you keep getting the same injuries or the reason behind your lower back pain or headaches that you have had for years, We have the tools to go that next step and help you to find out the real reason behind the issue.

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